Being charged with a criminal offense can be a life-altering event, and having an experienced criminal defense attorney to defend you is crucial. Our law office handles drug offenses, sexual assaults, sexual exploitation, sexual abuse, burglary, robbery, arson, identity theft, and forgery just to list a few. We also have experience representing clients charged with possession of child pornography, rape and molestation, and even murder. While these are some of the most common major felonies, it should be noted that this is not a complete list. Depending upon prior convictions and even arrests, misdemeanors such as petty theft, battery, and the possession of drug paraphernalia can also result in federal charges.
However, the seriousness of a misdemeanor or first-time offense should never be underestimated. For Class A Misdemeanors, an individual can receive a full 12-month sentence and face fines as high as $5,000. After missing work for an arrest, time spent in holding, and court dates scheduled in the future, it can be difficult to recover financially even from fines as low as $500 or less.
With so many possibilities of conviction, don’t try to navigate the legal system alone. Stacy Uliana and the Uliana Law office are prepared to represent you even in the worst possible situations. Check out some of our previous oral arguments or represented cases.